We have a lot going on with us and we wanted to fill you in on it. More importantly, we’d love to hear from you! If you have a story, anecdote or anything else that you’d love to share, please comment below, we talk about ourselves way too much as it is.

New Team Members
Thanks to your amazing patronage, we’re expanding our team to serve you even better. We have several new techs starting this month to handle your business in a faster and more efficient manner. This means that our services are going to be even better!

Get a Free Key Tracker
Are you like us and lose your keys way too often? Simply by signing up for our email list, you can get a free key tracker from us! Our email program never spams you and only provides the most important news and information. When you sign up you will be entered to win a free key tracker, a $20 offer, absolutely free. One in four wins, so sign up and enjoy.

Join us on Social
If you like useful information, big discounts, and the occasional wit, you’re going to love our social media! We’ve really enjoyed being a lot more active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. All we’re missing now is YOU! Links are below, give us a like and join in the fun.

Behind The Scenes
It turns out that a lot of work goes into being a locksmith. We have numerous appointments and requests at any moment that need to go to our techs and are tracked for assurance and quality. Given thousands of appointments, it gets confusing quickly! That’s why we’re in the process of replacing our previous software with a new state of the art system. We hope to make a seamless transition, but if there are any hiccups, we greatly appreciate your patience.

2018 has been such an incredible year, thank you so much to everyone that was a part of it. We look forward to an even better and brighter 2019. Cheers!

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