
Workplace safety is a top concern for any business. Each year, theft, damage, and people getting in without permission can cost businesses billions of dollars. There is, however, a simple yet powerful solution: card access control. In this blog, we will explore how these keyless access systems improve workplace safety. At Kardo Locksmith, we are here to provide expert advice on secure solutions.

What Is Card Access Control?

Have you heard of card access control or key card access? In layman’s terms, it is a modern security system that uses cards to grant access to a building. Henceforth, employees just swipe or tap their cards to get into certain areas. It is an easy yet secure way to keep track of who goes where and when. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Benefits of Key Card Access Systems

You get it all wrong when you think it is the only good thing about these access control systems. So here are a few of the many perks they offer:

Better Workplace Security

Beyond any doubt, key card access systems provide a high level of security. Because each card is unique to the user, it makes it easy to track who enters and leaves the building. Thus, unauthorized access is much harder with this system in place.

Easy to Use

Another good thing about these systems is that they are user-friendly, too. Employees only need to carry a small card, so there is no need to remember complex codes or carry bulky keys. In fact, it takes no time at all to use this key card. Just swipe or tap it—you will see how quick and easy it is.

Keep Track of Who Comes and Goes

Card access control systems also keep detailed records. Every time someone uses their card, the system logs it in. Thus, it helps track employees’ whereabouts. In case of a security breach, you can find out who was where and when with just a few clicks on your computer’s security system.

Using card access to enter a specific room in an office setting
Flexible Access Control

Likewise, access permissions are easy to change with key card entry. If an employee quits, you can deactivate their card at once and grant access to new employees. You can also limit access to certain areas based on their roles.

Value for Your Money

While the initial setup cost might seem high, key cards can also save you money in the long run. For instance, when an employee loses their card, you will not need to replace locks or make new keys. Simply deactivate the lost card and issue a new one.

How Key Card System Makes the Workplace Safer

Below are the possible ways in which key card entry can make it happen:

Prevent Unauthorized Entry

As mentioned, one of the greatest benefits of key card access is the ability to prevent unauthorized entry. That means only those with the right card can enter certain areas, thus reducing the risk of theft and vandalism.

Monitor Employee Movements

Apart from preventing unwanted entry, card access control systems can also track who enters which areas and at what times. This system is useful for both security and productivity.

Quick Response to Emergencies

In case of an emergency, it is crucial to know where your employees are. With a key card system, you can see who is in the building at any specific time. Such information can be useful for evacuations and other unforeseen situations.

Reduce Internal Threats

The sad truth is that not all threats come from outside. Sometimes, internal threats can also be a concern. Key card access systems help reduce these risks by limiting access to specific areas, which then helps prevent unauthorized actions by employees.

Boost Responsibility

When everyone knows they are being watched, they are more likely to follow the rules. This boost in accountability leads to a safer workplace for everyone.

Real-Life Examples of Key Card Access Systems in Action

Office Building

Many office buildings use card access control systems. You will often find a door card reader at entrances where employees use their cards to enter the building and access certain areas. This system ensures that only those people with key cards have access to sensitive information and equipment.


Key card entry systems keep places like pharmacies and patient records safe in hospitals. Also, it keeps private information and valuable medical supplies from getting into the wrong hands. RFID card readers are common in hospitals due to their ease of use and high level of security.


Schools also use card access control to keep students and their staff safe. This system helps keep people from getting into classrooms and office areas without permission, thus keeping them at ease.


In general, warehouses store many valuable items. Key card access boosts security and lowers the risks of theft by limiting access to only those persons in charge of them.

How to Choose the Right Key Card Access System

At first, choosing the right key card access system can feel overwhelming. Yet, here are some tips to help you find the perfect fit for your needs:

A door access control system installed in a business setup
1. Assess Your Needs

First, assess your needs. What areas do you need to secure? How many employees will use the system? These questions will help you choose the right one for your business.

2. Look for Scalability

Next, choose a system that can grow with your business. As your company expands, your security needs may change, too. A scalable system will save you from having to replace it later.

3. Consider Integration

Also, look for one that works with the security system you already have. That could include alarms, CCTV, and other devices. In the end, integration makes the security system more complete.

4. Check User-Friendliness

At the same time, the system should be easy to use for both administrators and employees. Note that systems that are too complicated can lead to user errors and security breaches.

5. Read Reviews

Finally, read reviews and ask for recommendations from a Los Angeles locksmith. Learn from the experiences of other businesses. This task can help in making an informed decision.

How to Implement a Key Card Entry System

Implementing a key card access system might seem a bit tricky. But no worries. Here are some tips to make it a breeze.

1. Plan the Installation

First things first, let us plan the installation! Determine the required number of card readers and identify the areas that require security. Team up with a pro to design the perfect system layout. Consider using RFID card readers for extra convenience and security.

2. Train Employees

Once the system’s up and running, make sure your employees get the right training. They should know how to use their key cards and why following security protocols is so important.

3. Monitor and Maintain

Keep an eye on things. Regularly check access logs for anything unusual and make sure all the card readers are working perfectly. Regular maintenance will keep everything running smoothly.

4. Update Access Permissions

Stay on top of access permissions. When employees switch roles or leave the company, you must revoke their access rights right away. This way, only the right people can get into secure areas.

5. Review and Improve

Give the system a check-up now and then. Look for ways to make it even better and tweak it as needed. Continuous improvement means better security for everyone.

By implementing an access control system, you can make your workplace a lot safer. It keeps out unauthorized persons, keeps track of who is coming and going, and ramps up accountability. So whether you manage an office, hospital, school, or warehouse, a key card access system can help protect your assets and employees. For even better protection, you can change it to fit your specific needs.

Commercial Locksmith Near Me

Ready to enhance your workplace safety? Trust only the best in Los Angeles. Kardo Locksmith is your go-to commercial locksmith in the city. What are you waiting for? Talk to our experts to explore our wide array of security solutions and learn how a key card entry can fit your needs. Call us for a consultation today and get expert advice on implementing a customized access control system. Do not wait—secure your business now.

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